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We are pleased to announce the release of build 4.29.1.Final for Eclipse 2023-09.

Downloads available at JBoss Tools 4.29.1 Final.

What is New?

Full details can be found at this page. Here are some highlights:


Hibernate Tools

Older hibernate runtime disabled by default

The old Hibernate Runtimes for versions 5.4, 5.5, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 are now disabled by default.

Hibernate Runtime Provider Updates

Multiple additions and updates have been performed on the available Hibernate runtime providers.

New Runtime Providers

A new Hibernate 6.5 runtime provider incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.5.2.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.5.2.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.5.2.Final.

A new Hibernate 6.6 runtime provider incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.6.0.Alpha1, Hibernate Ant version 6.6.0.Alpha1 and Hibernate Tools version 6.6.0.Alpha1.

Runtime Provider Updates

The Hibernate 6.4 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.4.8.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.4.8.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.4.8.Final.

The Hibernate 6.3 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.3.2.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.3.2.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.3.2.Final.

The Hibernate 6.2 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.2.25.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.2.25.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.2.25.Final.

The Hibernate 5.3 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.3.36.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.3.36.Final.

Server Tools

New Server view based on RSP available in the update site

In JBoss Tools, a fresh perspective has been introduced, known as the "RSP Servers View," which utilizes the Runtime Server Protocol (RSP). More information on this page.

However, this feature was not available on the JBossTools update site. This has been resolved and now the feature appears as "Runtime Server Protocol Server Tooling by Red Hat", under the "JBoss Application Server Adapters" category.

And more…​

You can find more noteworthy updates on this page.


Stéphane Bouchet

Happy to announce 4.29.0.Final build for Eclipse 2023-09.

Downloads available at JBoss Tools 4.29.0 Final.

What is New?

Full info is at this page. Some highlights are below.


Components Removal

As outlined and announced in a prior blog post, the subsequent components have been excluded from the latest JBoss Tools distribution:

  • WebServices

  • Batch

Hibernate Tools

Hibernate Runtime Provider Updates

Multiple additions and updates have been performed on the available Hibernate runtime providers.

New Runtime Provider

A new Hibernate 6.3 runtime provider incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.3.1.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.3.1.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.3.1.Final.

Runtime Provider Updates

The Hibernate 6.2 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 6.2.13.Final, Hibernate Ant version 6.2.13.Final and Hibernate Tools version 6.2.13.Final.

The Hibernate 5.3 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.3.32.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.3.32.Final.

Server Tools

New Server view based on RSP

In JBoss Tools, a fresh perspective has been introduced, known as the "RSP Servers View," which utilizes the Runtime Server Protocol (RSP).

Empty RSP View at start

To begin, you must initiate the server connector responsible for managing the servers. Simply right-click on any entry for the Server connector, and choose the "Start RSP" option.

The server connector is now starting and it’s status will change to [STARTED].

Empty RSP View started

You can then choose between download a server or use a local server.

Now, let’s create a new server. Simply right-click on the active Server connector and select "Download Server." Choose any runtime from the list and confirm by clicking OK.

Selecting Wildfly server runtime

Follow the dialog steps for additional parameters and wait for the installation to finish. You can see a new entry on the server view with the selected server.

Wildfly server runtime installed

Now start the server runtime using "Start Server" context menu action. The console view opens and display any message from the server.

Wildfly server runtime started

Now you can add any deployment to the server. This can be either a folder or a file, present on your local computer. For example, let’s deploy a basic web application.

Right click on the started server runtime and select "Add deployment". Then select a web archive to be added to the server.

Adding a simple web application to the runtime

It will automatically deploy the application and display any message in the console.

Simple web application added to the runtime

Now you can enjoy the application on your browser !

Simple web application running

We are welcoming any suggestion to this new view, either on our JIRA/Github, or using our gitter chatroom

And more…​

You can find more noteworthy updates in on this page.


Stéphane Bouchet

JBoss Tools 4.29.1.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 13, 2024.

JBoss Tools 4.29.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Nov 02, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.28.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-06

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jul 03, 2023.

JBoss Tools for Eclipse 2023-06M2

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 05, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.27.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-03

by Stéphane Bouchet on Apr 07, 2023.

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