A JBoss Project
Red Hat

JBoss Tools Alpha2 for Eclipse Mars

posted by Max Rydahl Andersen on Apr 28, 2015.

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Alpha 2 build for Eclipse Mars M6 is now available at Alpha2 download.


This version of JBoss Tools targets Eclipse Mars 4.5 (M6).

We recommend using the Eclipse 4.5 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you use our update site directly:


Note: Marketplace entry and Integration Stack tooling will become available from JBoss Central at a later date.

What is new ?

Easy Import/Open of projects

We have included our incubation project at Eclipse that makes importing and opening of projects much easier than default Eclipse. No longer do you need to know or guess at which of many import wizards are the right one. With this you just use File  Import Project from Folder, point it to a folder and it will auto-detect the type of project, imports ann configure it as best as it can.

easyimport filemenu

Once started it will recursively scan the selected folder and report which directories it found.

easyimport wizard

We included this incubation feature to get early feedback - please do give it a try and let us know if it works great or if we detected some projects "badly".

OpenShft v3

Our OpenShift integration now allow you to connect to OpenShift 3 in addition to the existing OpenShift 2 support.

connection wizard server type

Once connected you can browse the OpenShift/Kubernetes data for your application/projects.

view explorer v3

Note: OpenShift v3 is not available from openshift.com to try at this point in time. If you want to try use it you can follow the instructions at OpenShift Origin sample app.

Java EE 7 Batch wizards, content assist, validation and refactoring

In Alpha 1 we introduced support for Java EE 7 batch specification and now extending this support with a wizard, content assist, linked navigation, searching and refactoring of Batch elements.


WildFly 9

We’ve added native WildFly 9 runtime detection and server support. You no longer need to use the WildFly 8 adapter and detection will work correctly now.

Content assist for AngularJS Expressions

When editing AngularJS single-page html (not templates) the html editor now communicates with the preview to provide content assist for angularjs expressions.


Custom HTML Tag validation

There is now a quickfix for marking custom HTML5 elements to be ignored in validation.


Note: this is not specific to JBoss Tools, it is built into Eclipse M6

Next steps

With Alpha2 out we are heading towards a Beta1.

In Beta1 we are targeting including:

  1. OpenShift v3 support for templates

  2. Docker Tooling

  3. Better JavaScript content assist

  4. Making project imports in Eclipse even simpler

  5. And more…​

As always, ask/suggest away and we’ll keep you posted!

Have fun!

Max Rydahl Andersen

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