A JBoss Project
Red Hat

Posts tagged with 'release'

JBoss Tools 4.3.1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9.1 for Eclipse Mars.2 are now generally available!

Java 8 is required for installing and using JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.


JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.5.2 (Mars.2) but we recommend using the Eclipse 4.5.2 Mars.2 Java EE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools" or "Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio".

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly.


There is also a new installer available for 64-bit Windows. See details in New Developer Studio Platform Installer for Container Based Development section.

What is new?

This release is based on Eclipse Mars.2 and our focus was mainly on OpenShift and Red Hat Container Development Kit tools improvements. Besides that there is a bunch of new features and a lot of fixed bugs. The full list of what is new you can find on this page.

New Developer Studio Platform Installer for Container Based Development

A new installer for 64-bit Windows is now available. This installer is quite different from the good old Developer Studio universal installer. This will help you install Developer Studio with a full development environment for container based development using Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift.

Developer Studio Platform Installer Beta currently works on 64-bit Windows only and is available as a Technology Preview.

It helps to install and configure the following components to work together on your machine:

  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio

  • Red Hat Container Development Kit

  • Vagrant

  • VirtualBox

  • OpenJDK

  • Cygwin

  • OpenShift Client (OC) Tools

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Platform

You can see how this installer works in this short screen cast:

OpenShift 3 and Red Hat Container Development Kit

OpenShift 3 was introduced as a technology preview feature in JBDS 9.0.0.GA. We’re happy to see it graduate to the level of supported feature in this release.

new explorer

New OpenShift Server Adapter for easier and faster deployment, debug mode, integration with Red Hat Container Development Kit and more notable features were added. More than 300 issues and enhancements were also tackled in this version. See the full list of the new OpenShift tooling stuff on New and Noteworthy page.


Tooling for Docker is available in Eclipse Mars under the Linux tools umbrella. Despite this name, this works on all major developer platforms. It is mirrored on JBoss Tools update site.

docker explorer view

The Docker tools was introduced in Developer Studio 9.0 and has been improved in Developer Studio 9.1:

  • New Docker Machine Support

  • Improved Run Image Launch Configuration

  • TM Terminal Support for Interactive Shells

  • Build Docker Images improvements

More details in New and Noteworthy.

Hibernate 5

Hibernate 5 is now supported. Two new runtime providers for Hibernate were added in this release. Both these new versions can be selected in the relevant wizards.

cfg xml
Figure 1. Hibernate Configuration File Wizard

Forge 3

The included Forge runtime is now 3.0.1.Final. Read the official announcement here.


Automated Error Reporting

With your permission, Eclipse and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio can now inspect errors logged inside the IDE and inform project committers about the issues you’ve experienced. This optional service, called Automated Error Reporting Initiative (AERI), can report issues to both the Eclipse Bugzilla and the JBoss JIRA.

When the first error is logged, you’ll be asked if you’d like to participate in error reporting, which is by default completely anonymous and only happens if an error occurs.

Should you want to configure how the service operates, or provide your email address so that you could be contacted regarding any reports you submit, open Preferences > General > Error Reporting. You can then click Configure Projects…​ to enable or disable reporting to Eclipse or JBoss.

AERI Reporting Enabled

As always, neither Eclipse nor JBoss will use any information unless a user has opted in, nor is there ever any personal information sent unless it is provided on the Preferences page.

What is Next

Our next stop is a major update for Developer Studio which will be based on Eclipse Neon.


Alexey Kazakov

Updates to Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9 and JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Final for Eclipse Mars are now generally available!


What’s new?

We’ve added a link in the composite updates sites to EGit 4.1.1, so that users of Mars.2 can continue to enjoy using EGit with JBoss Tools and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.

Without this minor change, installation of JBoss Tools and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio on Mars.2 cause two versions of jgit to be installed, effectively disabling it and preventing EGit views and preferences from working.

This fix does not affect offline installs as we have not rebuilt the target platform zips. So for those users, you will need to wait for JBoss Tools 4.3.1 or Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9.1 to be released, or use the latest Beta2 releases here:

Previous announcements

For what’s new in this release of JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Final or JBoss Developer Studio 9.0.0.GA, see our previous GA blog announcement.

What’s next?

We are already working on the next maintenance release for Eclipse Mars - JBoss Tools 4.3.1.CR1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9.1.0.CR1 will be available shortly, with Final/GA releases soon after.

We are also working on our first Eclipse Neon based builds. Try them out here:


Nick Boldt

Try our complete Mars.2 capable, JBDS 9.1.0.Beta2 compatible Integration tooling (Beta).

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
JBoss Tools Integration Stack
Since JBoss Tools 4.3.0 we require Java 8 for the installation and use of all JBoss Tools, including the Integration Stack tooling. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.3.0.Beta1 / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 9.0.0.Beta1

Note: All of the Integration Stack components are Early Access. See the installation section below for instructions.

What’s an Integration Stack?

The Integration Stack for JBoss Developer Studio is a set of features and plugins for Eclipse that further enhances the IDE development functionality provided by JBoss Developer Studio in support of the following frameworks:

JBoss Fuse Development

  • Fuse Tooling - JBoss Fuse Development provides tooling for Red Hat JBoss Fuse, specifically for integrating and developing software components that work with Apache ServiceMix, ActiveMQ and Camel. It features the latest versions of the Fuse Data Transformation tooling, SwitchYard and access to the Fuse SAP Tool Suite.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development plug-ins provide design, debug and testing tooling for developing business processes for Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing including KIE.

  • jBPM6 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

JBoss Data Virtualization Development plug-ins provide a graphical interface to manage various aspects of Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization instances, including the ability to design virtual databases and interact with associated governance repositories.

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

JBoss Integration and SOA Development plug-ins provide tooling for developing, configuring and deploying BRMS, SwitchYard and Fuse applications to Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works, Red Hat JBoss Fuse and Fuse Fabric containers, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache Karaf instances.

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.3 and Developer Studio 9.

What’s Been Updated for Mars?

Almost everything! Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling, Fuse Tooling, Data Virtualization and SOA Development tooling product groups. See the Integration Stack 9.0.0.Beta1 Release Notes for more details.

Released Tooling Highlights

JBoss Fuse Development Highlights

Fuse Tooling Highlights
  • Including Data Transformation, SAP and SwitchYard

  • Notice the revamped Camel route editor!

Also see Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more Fuse Tooling insights.

SwitchYard Highlights

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

BPMN2 Modeler Highlights
Drools/jBPM6 Highlights

Data Virtualization Highlights

Teiid Designer Highlights

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


The easiest way to install the Integration Stack components is to first install JBoss Tools 4.3.1 or JBoss Developer Studio 9.1.0 and then select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. Select the 'Enable Early Access' checkbox.

For a complete set of Integration Stack installation instructions, see Integration Stack Installation Instructions

Try it out!

Paul Leacu.

The second Beta of JBoss Tools 4.3.1 and JBoss Developer Studio 9.1.0 for our maintenance Mars release is available.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
Remember that since JBoss Tools 4.3.0 we require Java 8 for installing and using of JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.

What is New?

Full info is at this page. Some highlights are below.

Eclipse Mars.2

JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio are now targeting the latest Eclipse Mars.2 as a running platform with many issues fixed comparing to the previous Mars.1 release.

OpenShift 3

More than 60 issues targeting OpenShift 3 support have been fixed in this release. The OpenShift 3 integration was introduced as a technology preview feature in JBDS 9.0.0.GA but will graduate to a supported feature in the upcoming JBDS 9.1.0.GA release.

Incremental publishing

The OpenShift 3 server adapter now respects the auto-publish settings as declared in the server editor, giving the user the option to automatically publish on workspace changes, build events, or only when the user requests it. The server adapter is also able to incrementally deploy the server’s associated project with a quick call to rsync, ensuring minimal over-the-wire transfers and a fast turnaround for testing your project.

Support for Java EE projects

Experimental support for Java EE projects (Web and EAR) is now available. When the workspace project associated with the OpenShift 3 server is a Dynamic or Enterprise Application project, the server adapter builds an exploded version of the archive to a temporary local directory and replaces the version deployed on the remote OpenShift pod. That Pod Deployment Path, is now inferred automatically from the image stream tags on the remote Pod. A .dodeploy marker file is created for the remote server to redeploy the module if necessary (for EAP/WildFly servers supporting it).

Support for LiveReload

The new tooling includes LiveReload support for OpenShift 3 server adapters. This is accessible from the Show In > Web Browser via LiveReload Server menu. When a file is published to the server adapter, the Browser connected to the LiveReload server instance will automatically refresh.

openshift3 livereload menu

This is particularly effective in conjunction with the Auto Publish mode for the OpenShift 3 server adapters, as all it takes to reload a web resource is saving the file under edition (Ctrl+S, or Cmd+S on Mac).

Simplified OpenShift Explorer view

Previously, the OpenShift 3 resources representation exposed a large amount of unnecessary information about OpenShift. The explorer view is now simplified and specific (and made much more robust) and focuses on an application-centric view.

simplified openshift3 view

Everything that is no longer displayed directly under the OpenShift Explorer is accessible in the Properties view.

Red Hat Container Development Kit server adapter

The Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) server adapter now provides menus to quickly access the Docker Explorer and the OpenShift Explorer. Right-click on a running CDK server adapter and select an option in the Show In menu:

cdk server show in menus

Forge Tools

Forge Runtime updated to 3.0.0.Beta3

The included Forge runtime is now 3.0.0.Beta3. Read the official announcement here.

Stack support

Forge now supports choosing a technology stack when creating a project:

stack new project

In addition to setting up your project, choosing a stack automatically hides some input fields in the existing wizards, such as the JPA Version in the JPA: Setup wizard:

What is Next

We are approaching the final release for our first maintenance update for Eclipse Mars.2. It’s time to polish things up and prepare a release candidate.


Alexey Kazakov

Just in time for Christmas, JBoss Tools 4.3.1.Beta1 and JBoss Developer Studio 9.1.0.Beta1 are ready for download. This is the first beta for our maintenance Mars release.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
Remember that since JBoss Tools 4.3.0 we require Java 8 for installing and using of JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.

What is New?

Full info is at this page. Some highlights are below.

Docker Tools

Run Image Launch Configuration

When running an image, a launch configuration is created, based on the selected image. This is useful when users want to try tweaking a previous run for various reasons (e.g. binding in new volumes or changing command parameters, etc.)

Running a container from an image can now be also done via a launch configuration.

Run Image Launch Configuration

Docker Machine Support

Docker Machine is now supported for the creation of a new connection. Simply click the "Search…​" button and you will be prompted to select an active Docker Machine connection, if one exists.

Docker Machine Support

TM Terminal Support for Interactive Shells

Containers created with a pseudo TTY allocated (-t) will open within a TM Terminal. This is much more fully featured interaction when compared with the previous standard console. In particular, the Terminal view recognizes the color code on logs and displays messages in appropriate colors.

terminal tm support

Improvements on the Importer wizard

The Import wizard that you can access via File > Import Projects from Folder…​, File > Import…​ > General > Projects from Folder or File > Import…​ > Git > Projects from Git (auto-import) allows more user control. You can now see a proposal for the import (what will be imported and how) and select which sub-projects to import or not.

Performances have also been highly improved, and importing a Maven project will now suggest installation of m2e connectors when necessary.

Credential Framework

A new feature has been added to safely store your credentials for various domains in a central location. As our tools grow, it has become more likely that at least some credentials will be re-used by several different features. Having a central place to store, for example, your Red Hat Access credentials or JBoss.org credentials, for re-use by our server adapters or download-runtime features helps to prevent you from having to constantly type the same usernames and passwords in multiple locations. It also helps to ensure that if you change your password on some remote server, you only need to update one location in eclipse.

Credentials Preference Page

OpenShift 3

More than 80 issues have been fixed in this release of the OpenShift tooling, mostly targetting OpenShift 3 support. OpenShift 3 was introduced as a techpreview feature in JBDS 9.0.0.GA but will graduate to a supported feature in the upcoming JBDS 9.1.0.GA release. More details for all improvements you can find here.

Deploy Workspace Projects

You can now deploy existing workspace projects to OpenShift 3 instances. You can either create a new OpenShift application, using an OpenShift 3 connection and then select the workspace project to deploy, or you can start by right-clicking on a project and use the Configure…​ > Deploy to OpenShift…​ menu.

deploy workspace project

New OpenShift 3 Server Adapter

A prototype for a new OpenShift 3 server adapter is now available. It’s goal is to allow incremental deployment of workspace resources directly into the deployed node on OpenShift, bypassing the whole build step. Its capabilities are currently limited and require a number of manual steps to set it up, but we should streamline its usage in the next Beta. Currently only Node and PHP based applications are supported.

openshift3 new server

OpenShift Explorer Improvements

The explorer is now listening to server side events, so it can automatically refresh itself. A new Edit…​ menu is available in the OpenShift Explorer, allowing you to edit any resource (except Builds) as JSON in a text editor.

edit resources

Search for Docker Images

When deploying a Docker image, searching for a docker image has never been easier, simply click on the Search…​ button and find your favorite image from the the selected Docker registry:

search docker images

Expose Additional Ports from the Docker Image

It is now possible to expose ports to a deployment, other than just those explicitly exposed on the docker image (they still need to be exposed by the image though).

expose service ports

What is Next

We are working on the next Beta build which we are planning to release in January.

Merry Christmas!

Alexey Kazakov

I’m glad to announce that the RedDeer project has graduated from the incubation phase to the mature phase.


Don’t you know RedDeer?

RedDeer is a framework for testing Eclipse plugins (or RCP) and can be executed over various operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows). At the beginning it was developed as an alternative to SWTBot but now it contains many features and tools which can help you with writing automated tests.

Now, when the project has left the incubation phase, the API won’t be significantly changed for a long time and you don’t have to change your existing code together with RedDeer updates. Like the previous version (0.8.0.Final) the RedDeer 1.0.0.Final is also intended for Eclipse Mars.

Main features

  • Easy to use - just create an instance of the needed widget

New LabeledText("Project name:").setText("Demo");
new PushButton("OK").click();
  • High level API - wizards, views, etc are already implemented

NewJavaClassWizardDialog newJavaClassDialog = new NewJavaClassWizardDialog();
new NewJavaClassWizardPage().setName("Demo");
  • Wait conditions - wait for a specific state

new WaitWhile(new JobIsRunning(), TimePeriod.LONG);
  • Requirements - validate and set the environment according to your requirements

@ApacheTomcatServer(state = ServerReqState.RUNNING)


  • Project wizards - start testing by creating a test project with everything you need

  • Recorder - create an automated test by recording your steps

  • Spy view - spy all widgets just by mouse hover

  • GEF Spy view - spy GEF componets in a GEF editor

  • Log Parser - define rules how you want to see the log file

  • Code Generator - don’t write the code manually, generate it

Future of RedDeer

In addition to making the framework more and more stable we also plan to improve the recorder and our code generation tool. Moreover, the RedDeer framework is becoming a part of JBoss Tools target platform which means it will be available for any developer contributing to JBoss Tools.

Do you have any idea about a new feature? Raise an issue on github! If you want to contribute, please follow steps described at https://github.com/jboss-reddeer/reddeer/wiki/Developer-guide.

JBoss Fuse Tooling is now featuring production versions of the Fuse SAP Tool Suite, Fuse Data Transformation tooling and SwitchYard plus updated Data Virtualization (Teiid Designer/ ModeShape) and BRMS Tooling (BPEL, BPMN2, Drools/jBPM6) for Luna/JBoss Developer Studio 8.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
JBoss Tools Integration Stack

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.2.4.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.4.GA

What’s an Integration Stack?

The Integration Stack for JBoss Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that further enhances the IDE functionality provided by JBoss Developer Studio in support of the following frameworks:

JBoss Fuse Development

  • Fuse Tooling - JBoss Fuse Development plug-ins providing tooling for Red Hat JBoss Fuse, specifically for integrating and developing software components that work with Apache ServiceMix, ActiveMQ and Camel.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development plug-ins provide design, debug and testing tooling for developing business processes for Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

JBoss Data Virtualization Development plug-ins provide a graphical interface to manage various aspects of Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization instances, including the ability to design virtual databases and interact with associated governance repositories.

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

JBoss Integration and SOA Development plug-ins provide tooling for developing, configuring and deploying BRMS, SwitchYard and Fuse applications to Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works, Red Hat JBoss Fuse and Fuse Fabric containers, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache Karaf instances.

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.2 and Developer Studio 8.

What’s Been Updated Since 8.0.3.GA?

Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling, Fuse Tooling, Data Virtualization and SwitchYard. See the Integration Stack 8.0.4 Release Notes for more details.

Released Tooling Highlights

JBoss Fuse Development Highlights

Fuse Tooling Highlights
  • Data Transformation, SAP and SwitchYard are now released!

Also see Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more Fuse Tooling insights.

SwitchYard Highlights

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

Drools/jBPM6 Highlights
  • As part of this release, the Kie Navigator is added to the Drools component.

Data Virtualization Highlights

Teiid Designer Highlights
  • Added support for dynamic VDBs.

  • Performance improvements in the admin factory.

  • Lots of bug fixes.

Early Access/ Technical Preview Tooling Highlights

None! We’re happy to say that all JBDS 8/ Eclipse Luna compatible features are now released as production plugins.

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


The easiest way to install the Integratin Stack components is to install JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

For a complete set of Integration Stack installation instructions, see Integration Stack Installation Instructions

Give it a try!

Paul Leacu.

An update to Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9 for Eclipse Mars are now generally available!


What’s new?

This release is simply a rebuild of the JBoss Developer Studio 9.0.0.GA installer that bundles JBoss EAP 6.4.0, due to CVE-2015-7501. The rebuild includes a patched version of EAP 6.4.0.GA.

The standalone installer is unaffected and therefore required no change. Similarly, JBoss Tools users are also unaffected unless you manually downloaded and installed EAP 6.4.0. A patched version of the EAP 6.4.0.GA is available.

Previous announcements

For what’s new in this release of JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Final or JBoss Developer Studio 9.0.0.GA, see our previous GA blog announcement.

What’s next?

We are already working on the next maintenance release for Eclipse Mars - JBoss Tools 4.3.1.Beta1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9.1.0.Beta1 will be available shortly.

We are also working on our first Eclipse Neon based builds. Try them out here:


Nick Boldt

JBoss Tools 4.3 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9 for Eclipse Mars are now generally available!

Java 8 is required for installing and using JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.


JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.5.1 Mars JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools" or "Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio".

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly.


What is new ?

There are many new features and improvements. The full list of what is new you can find on this page. Hundreds of bugs have been fixed on JBoss Tools side but we also continue to work on making Eclipse better and contribute to many Eclipse projects: Web Tools, Docker, Maven Integration, JavaScript, Hybrid Mobile Tools and many others.

Let me highlight just a few major features in JBoss Tools 4.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 9.

OpenShift 3

There is a new tooling available to help you with OpenShift 3 application development.

new connection wizard

OpenShift 3 tooling is provided as a TechPreview feature, available from the JBoss Central Software/Updates page. We are working on improving OpenShift 3 tooling and it will be included in JBoss Developer Studio by default as a Supported feature in the upcoming months.


Tooling for Docker is available in Eclipse Mars under the Linux tools umbrella. Despite this name, this works on all major developer platforms. It is mirrored on JBoss Tools update site and is also included in Developer Studio 9.

docker explorer view


Java EE 7 Batch Tools include an advanced Job XML editor, wizards, validation, navigation, and other features.


Where is integration stack tooling?

The integration stack covers the tooling for Fuse, Drools, jBPM, SwitchYard, JBoss ESB etc.

They are available as "Early access" in JBoss Tools under JBoss Central Software/Update page.

In the near future it is planned to also show up in JBoss Developer Studio and eventually be available as fully supported.

What is Next

Having JBoss Tools 4.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 9 out we are already working on the next maintenance release for Eclipse Mars. We are also working on Eclipse Neon adoption.


Alexey Kazakov

We are happy to announce JBoss Tools 4.3 CR1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9 CR1 for Eclipse Mars are now available.

Note: Integration Stack tooling will become available from JBoss Central at a later date.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
Remember that since Beta1 we require Java 8 for installing and using of JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.

What is new ?

The full details of what is new is available on this page. Some highlights are below.

WildFly 10 and EAP 7 Server Adapters

New server adapters for JBoss EAP 7 and WildFly 10 have been added to the toolset, allowing you to enjoy all the past benefits, but with all the newest runtimes.


Quick Access to Launch LiveReload

Users can now launch LiveReload from the 'Quick Access' menu, or using the Ctrl+3 (or Cmd+3) keyboard shortcut.

This will first display the dialog to create and start a LiveReload server. Then, this will open the current element (a selected file in the Project Explorer, a selected module in the Servers view or the content of the active editor) in the browser, without even having to use the 'Open With>Web Browser via LiveReload Server' contextual menu.

livereload quick access

OpenShift 3

We have made great progress in the OpenShift 3 Eclipse Tooling, but a few features are still missing, like deploying an existing workspace project, or editing existing build configurations. We have some ideas to provide an even better OpenShift Explorer user experience.

OpenShift 3 tooling is provided as a TechPreview feature, available from the JBoss Central Software/Updates page. Once we are fully satisfied with the quality of its feature set, OpenShift 3 tooling will mature to a Supported feature in the upcoming months, and will then be installed by default in JBDS.

But despite the fact that OpenShift 3 is still in TechPreview status in this release there are many improvements. Such as enhancements in the Application wizard or a link to the online documentation from the connection wizard for OpenShift 3. Hopefully that should help you get started with OpenShift 3 in Eclipse:

openshift3 getting started

Improvements in OpenShift Explorer:

openshift menus

Easy setup for 'oc' binary and log streaming:

stream logs

Integration with Docker tooling:

deploy image menu

And other features + almost a hundred fixed bugs.

Java EE Batch Tooling

Quick Fixes for validation problems in Batch Job XML source editor.


The Quick Fixes open a pre-set New Batch Artifact wizard to create the missing artifact.

New Maven Red Hat GA repository

In the Maven Repository Configuration wizard, accessible from Preferences > JBoss Tools > JBoss Maven Integration > Configure Maven Repositories…​, the predefined Red Hat TechPreview All Maven repository has been replaced with the new, official Red Hat GA (GA: General Availability) repository, for released Red Hat JBoss Middleware artifacts.

It is recommended you replace the old TechPreview All repository with the new GA one, in your Maven settings.xml.

Offline Support for Project Examples in JBoss Central

In the updated JBoss Central page, you now have access to more than 200 project examples. All these examples and their dependencies can now be cached locally via the Groovy Offline script, available from Preferences > JBoss Tools > Project Examples > Offline Support.

Eclipse Mars.1 with better Docker tooling

This version of JBoss Tools targets Eclipse Mars.1 which besides many bug fixes has some noteworthy improvements such as a better Docker tooling. We worked on the Docker tooling to make it rock in JBoss Tools with OpenShift support - so we wanted to highlight these improvements.

Running/paused/stopped Docker containers

New icon decorators in Docker Explorer View show the state of the docker containers. This makes it clearer if a container is running, paused or stopped.

docker explorer view

New Dialog to Search and Pull Images

There is an updated Pull Image wizard which can be launched from the Docker Images view or from the Docker Explorer view (a new context menu entry is available on the connection node and on the Images node):

docker pull image wizard

The wizard detects the tag in the image name and if none is specified, the image tagged latest will be pulled. If the user needs to search a specific image name, he or she can click on the Search…​ button which will open the Search wizard:

docker search image wizard1

followed by a second page that displays all the tags for the selected image.

New Launcher to Build a Docker Image

We have also added a new launcher to build images from a Dockerfile.

docker image build launcher

You can find more details about this and other new stuff in Docker tooling here.

What is Next

With CR1 out we are heading towards a final release.

Have fun!

Alexey Kazakov

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