A JBoss Project
Red Hat
This is a summary page of all New & Noteworthy for 4.2.3.CR1 and 4.2.3.Beta1

What's New in 4.2.3.Final


General for JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Beta1

JBoss Tools is now targeting Eclipse Luna SR2.


Import FeedHenry Applications

A new wizard allows you to import Cordova Applications from FeedHenry to take advantage of the Cordova features and the CordovaSim on JBoss Tools.


Windows Phone Support

Hybrid Mobile(Cordova) projects now support Windows Phone. The new Windows Phone allows cordova projects to run on Windows Phone emulator directly from JBoss Tools. It also provides export support for Windows Phone applications and native projects.



Basic FeedHenry support for CordovaSim

CordovaSim has gained basic FeedHenry support. Now it is possible to run FeedHenry hybrid apps against both local and remote Node.js server:

Basic FeedHenry support

Related JIRA: JBIDE-19152

Security note for "Remote" proxy in CordovaSim

Now there is a security warning for "Remote" proxy. Basically, If the app is transferring sensitive data (authentication tokens, credentials etc.), it is strongly recommended to use "Local" proxy (enabled by default) instead of the "Remote" one.

Security warning for "Remote" proxy

Related JIRA: JBIDE-19163

Forge Tools

Forge 2 Runtime

The included Forge 2 runtime is 2.15.2.Final. See the full release notes here.

Support for input component notes

The Forge wizards now render notes below the inputs (where available)


JBoss Central

New Wildfly Archetypes

WildFly 8.2.0.GA archetypes are now available for the HTML5, JavaEE Web & EAR project wizards. They will be automatically enabled when you select a WildFly runtime in the project wizards.

Related JIRA: JBDS-3275

JST / JSF / HTML Editor

Custom HTML Tag Validation

HTML validation in Eclipse Web Tools Luna has an annoying issue with custom HTML5 tags. It warns about any HTML tag name that is not mentioned in the HTML specification. We contributed a patch to Eclipse Mars which allows to disable those warnings for any particular tag name (or a tag name mask, e.g. <ion-*>). Though this was fixed in Eclipse Mars only we back ported this useful feature to JBoss Tools 4.2.3 which is based on Eclipse Luna SR2:


Related JIRA: JBIDE-18724

Tern.java & AngularJS Eclipse 0.8.2

Tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse (available via JBoss Central - Early Access) has been upgraded to the latest 0.8.2 version.

There is a bunch of new features which were introduced in 0.8.0 releases:

0.8.2 releases also include bug fixes for some critical issues which caused Eclipse to freeze.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-19184

Server Tools

IP6 Support Added

For JBoss 7 and Wildfly installations, using hostnames with an IPv6 format often failed to connect, show webpages, or even verify the server’s state. Several changes have made this work as expected. With updated wildfly jars, management commands will execute without issue. In addition, our tools will now automatically recognize host names in an IPv6 pattern, and update your launch configuration’s various launch arguments to ensure that the server starts properly and with all expected flags set.

Setting the IPv6 Host
Launch Configuration for IPv6 Hosts

Related JIRA: JBIDE-19113 - Update of wildfly jars

Related JIRA: JBIDE-12352 - Remote Management Connections to Wildfly IPv6

Related JIRA: JBIDE-12351 - JMX connections to Wildfly IPv6

Related JIRA: JBIDE-12282 - Wildfly server fails to Stop IPv6

Visual Editor

Multiple Browser Engine support on Linux

On Linux Visual Page Editor can be opened in HTML5 mode for HTML files, where all HTML5 features is supported.


Visual Page editor mode can be changed with dialog, which appears during HTML file openeng or in Visual Page Editor Preferences. using Changing Visual Editor mode requires Eclipse restart.

engine dialog

Related JIRA: JBIDE-19222

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