A JBoss Project
Red Hat

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I’m glad to announce that the RedDeer project has graduated from the incubation phase to the mature phase.


Don’t you know RedDeer?

RedDeer is a framework for testing Eclipse plugins (or RCP) and can be executed over various operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows). At the beginning it was developed as an alternative to SWTBot but now it contains many features and tools which can help you with writing automated tests.

Now, when the project has left the incubation phase, the API won’t be significantly changed for a long time and you don’t have to change your existing code together with RedDeer updates. Like the previous version (0.8.0.Final) the RedDeer 1.0.0.Final is also intended for Eclipse Mars.

Main features

  • Easy to use - just create an instance of the needed widget

New LabeledText("Project name:").setText("Demo");
new PushButton("OK").click();
  • High level API - wizards, views, etc are already implemented

NewJavaClassWizardDialog newJavaClassDialog = new NewJavaClassWizardDialog();
new NewJavaClassWizardPage().setName("Demo");
  • Wait conditions - wait for a specific state

new WaitWhile(new JobIsRunning(), TimePeriod.LONG);
  • Requirements - validate and set the environment according to your requirements

@ApacheTomcatServer(state = ServerReqState.RUNNING)


  • Project wizards - start testing by creating a test project with everything you need

  • Recorder - create an automated test by recording your steps

  • Spy view - spy all widgets just by mouse hover

  • GEF Spy view - spy GEF componets in a GEF editor

  • Log Parser - define rules how you want to see the log file

  • Code Generator - don’t write the code manually, generate it

Future of RedDeer

In addition to making the framework more and more stable we also plan to improve the recorder and our code generation tool. Moreover, the RedDeer framework is becoming a part of JBoss Tools target platform which means it will be available for any developer contributing to JBoss Tools.

Do you have any idea about a new feature? Raise an issue on github! If you want to contribute, please follow steps described at https://github.com/jboss-reddeer/reddeer/wiki/Developer-guide.

JBoss Fuse Tooling is now featuring production versions of the Fuse SAP Tool Suite, Fuse Data Transformation tooling and SwitchYard plus updated Data Virtualization (Teiid Designer/ ModeShape) and BRMS Tooling (BPEL, BPMN2, Drools/jBPM6) for Luna/JBoss Developer Studio 8.

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JBoss Tools Integration Stack

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.2.4.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.4.GA

What’s an Integration Stack?

The Integration Stack for JBoss Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that further enhances the IDE functionality provided by JBoss Developer Studio in support of the following frameworks:

JBoss Fuse Development

  • Fuse Tooling - JBoss Fuse Development plug-ins providing tooling for Red Hat JBoss Fuse, specifically for integrating and developing software components that work with Apache ServiceMix, ActiveMQ and Camel.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development plug-ins provide design, debug and testing tooling for developing business processes for Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

JBoss Data Virtualization Development plug-ins provide a graphical interface to manage various aspects of Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization instances, including the ability to design virtual databases and interact with associated governance repositories.

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

JBoss Integration and SOA Development plug-ins provide tooling for developing, configuring and deploying BRMS, SwitchYard and Fuse applications to Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works, Red Hat JBoss Fuse and Fuse Fabric containers, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache Karaf instances.

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.2 and Developer Studio 8.

What’s Been Updated Since 8.0.3.GA?

Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling, Fuse Tooling, Data Virtualization and SwitchYard. See the Integration Stack 8.0.4 Release Notes for more details.

Released Tooling Highlights

JBoss Fuse Development Highlights

Fuse Tooling Highlights
  • Data Transformation, SAP and SwitchYard are now released!

Also see Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more Fuse Tooling insights.

SwitchYard Highlights

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

Drools/jBPM6 Highlights
  • As part of this release, the Kie Navigator is added to the Drools component.

Data Virtualization Highlights

Teiid Designer Highlights
  • Added support for dynamic VDBs.

  • Performance improvements in the admin factory.

  • Lots of bug fixes.

Early Access/ Technical Preview Tooling Highlights

None! We’re happy to say that all JBDS 8/ Eclipse Luna compatible features are now released as production plugins.

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


The easiest way to install the Integratin Stack components is to install JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

For a complete set of Integration Stack installation instructions, see Integration Stack Installation Instructions

Give it a try!

Paul Leacu.

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